Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Black Tuesday

Someone, make the madness stop!! You will have to indulge me in my grief. I confess that occasionally I fall captive to cravings for corporate culinary creations. When this occurs it's usually off to the Chipotle Grill. I couldn't help it - the shiny metal ingredient bins, the crunchy green peppers, the overly-generous scoop of creamy rice... They talk a good game. Signs scattered around the establishment triumph with high and lofty platitudes their ideals of "unprocessed, seasonal, family-farmed, sustainable, nutritious, naturally raised, added hormone free, organic, and artisanal" food. This is the closest to a hippie I've ever been, and I enjoyed living on the edge like that. Did I mention the flavor? It all tasted so good, so spicy, so fresh! How was I to know? Now one of my favorite indulgences has been labeled as one of the 20 worst foods in America by Men's Health Magazine. I mean, I suppose I had an idea - the burrito was so wonderfully husky. You would hold its warm, aluminum-clad goodness in your hands, and hear a satisfying 'thunk' if you dropped the bulging tortilla onto your table.

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But thanks to the good folks at the Times Snack blog, we must out the Chipotle burrito as the "Worst Mexican Entree" for its whopping 1,179 calories, 47g fat, 125g carbs and 2,656mg sodium. I feel my arteries hardening... So, thank you Josh Korr of the Times, you have saved my life whilst ruining it. And to Jackie B. I say, 'What were you trying to do to me?!?"


Jacqueline said...

In my defense - I only suggested trying it. If I recall correctly I didn't like it and hence refused any return trips while you were in my presence. I knew there was too much stuff in that burrito!

Jessica said...

I accuse you only in jest. I went very willingly to the slaughter, and unlike you, I loved the result!