Monday, November 19, 2007

Daily Eats

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Sometimes it seems like alot of the best things in life are in Tampa's SOHO. Daily Eats is a diner where the traditional meets the innovative. Burgers and other comfort foods fill the menu, and Daily Eats adds a healthy uptown twist. From what I can gather of my own experience as well as that of others - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
I love a seasonal special, and Daily Eats had just the right thing to impress me - Pumpkin Seed Crusted Chicken. On the surface, the accompanying vegetables and brown rice sounded bland, but trying it was a pleasant surprise. Carrots, zucchini, and other harvest veggies were julienned over healthy bed of rice. They were saved from a life of boredom by a "white balsamic reduction" which brought a strong though not overwhelming, melodic flavor to the dish. If you go, definitely check this one out! I loved it.
Amanda got the Waldorf Salad and loved the mixture of textures and flavors - the sweet strawberries and the crunchy nuts. It was on a bed of rice, which seemed unusual but added a hearty nuttiness to the salad.
On the other hand, Jackie's potato chip crusted turkey burger was distinctly lacking in flavor, an opinion echoed by Brian Ries of Because of this and a couple other dishes, his review of the establishment ranked it mediocre at best.
We didn't try the desserts, but the soda fountain woos the diner with promises of delectable post-meal options. The dessert menu is extensive. The only reason we did not indulge was that we were saving ourselves for gelatto just down the street. I've seen pictures and they look fabulous.

Brian's review may be found at:

901 S. Howard Ave., Tampa

HOURS: Lunch, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday; dinner, 5-10 p.m. Monday through Friday, 5-9 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; brunch, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday

3 1/2 forks over all, though I'd say my meal got a 5.

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