Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pancho’s Villa

I love San Antonio. It’s a smaller than small town out in East Pasco. There’s a Catholic school, an antique shop, a lawyer, an accountant, a deli, the obligatory small town water tower and Pancho’s Villa. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Amy, Jackie B. and I were going to the antique store and had to resist beautiful smells wafting from somewhere nearby. After several hours of trying on vintage hats at Park Place, we inquired of the owner about eating arrangements and she warmly recommended Pancho’s Villa. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket She said that people came from as far as Tampa because of those smells. Bad sombreros and ‘Mexican' blankets hang from the walls, but a life size cardboard John Wayne upgrades the interior decorating significantly.
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I ordered the tamale, Jackie B. got the chimichanga (a deep-fried burrito, can it get better?), and Amy was very happy with her guacamole salad. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket My favorite part - as soon as you position your bottom in the seat, chips and salsa miraculously appear! The selection is large and the prices good. For family members with picky palates there are burgers and spaghetti, but most of the fare seems pretty traditional. My tamale was wrapped in masa dough and steamed in a corn husk. The food was plentiful and yummy. An excellent lunch bracing us for a day of…more eating. And shopping, of course. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Four Forks!

Pasco County
32804 Pennsylvania Ave.
San Antonio, FL 33576
Lunch - :-)
Dinner - $

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