Friday, January 11, 2008

La Casa Dolce

La Casa Dolce is loosely translated as "House of Happiness." With panninis, tea, and most of all GELATO, what more could one ask for? A smoothie you say? Well, they have that too! Check the website for coupons and you could get a free fruity treat. The gelato is delightful - I love the double cream, the tiramisu, but the pistachio gelato is by far the best. Sweet, but not too sweet with a warm nuttiness. They are dog friendly! Last time Jackie, Shery and I dined with the darling Clyde and Domino. Domino enjoyed the adoration of the masses while Clyde hid under the table. The servers didn't mind, and there is usually a water bowl out for thirsty little dogs. Now that I have poochies, I'll try to include places that are friendly to the canine race, with C&D as my loyal assistants.
Photobucket Photobucket
I have a lead on a place in New Port Richey that should be awesome! A future review!

406 S Howard Ave
Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 259-0002

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