Monday, August 10, 2009

A new day in Food

Well, with various job and family obligations, obviously it's been ages since Adventures in Food was updated. I would like to apologize for that. I haven't given up a passion for fine or funky cuisine, just never seemed to have time to write about it. However, His Royal Majesty Greg and the ever marvelous Alton Brown have inspired me to start afresh. A new foodie friend (say hi to Holly everybody!) and I are traveling to Atlanta later this month to be a part of history - Alton's 10th anniversary Good Eats live episode. It's the kind of thing you dream about..or at least I do.
We've been promised cast members, props, puppets and a "Good Eats musical interlude." I can't wait.
Naturally we'll be sampling the local cuisine. So far on the testing list is the funky Flying Biscuit Cafe. A small chain apparently, but with a name like that, who can resist? Photobucket
And short of the Bonnie Blue flag, what could be more regionally appropriate than Sautéed Shrimp & Scallops over creamy stone-ground grits with garlic gravy or Buttermilk Fried Chicken and buttermilk whipped potatoes overflowing with bourbon gravy. South City Kitchen sounds like a definite stop.
Also, I think we'll try to spend some time at the Dekalb Farmer's Market (there is a bakery, yay!). Any Atlanta natives or frequent visitors have any culinary suggestions for us?
Oh Atlanta! I hear you calling...I'm coming back to you one fine day...

1 comment:

Greg, The Scrapple King said...

It is great to see you back in food action, Jessica. Since you can't bring me and the family with you to Atlanta I will have to wait anxiously for your report on the 10th Anniversary show. I am waiting...