Friday, September 7, 2007

Golden Phoenix

A vain search for a family owned establishment along Dale Mabry had discouraged Jackie B. and I after a long day of shopping. A plain, slightly dingy old building with a sign advertising “Golden Phoenix” sent us veering off the road. I missed the entrance and ended up going in the exit, only the latest in a series driving faux pas that day. The outside of the building did not inspire confidence, and I asked Jackie if she was sure she wanted to eat here. However, as we circled the back of the building, she saw one of the cooks, a small shriveled Vietnamese grandfather on his break. Jackie was enchanted by the little old man and she decided then and there that we were stopping. (He was so cute!) The parking lot was full, so we saw this as an endorsement, but upon walking inside, we saw only one other couple. Then a menu in the lobby advertised several fish dishes starting at $20. Jackie and I got a little green and glanced at each other in panic. However, the waitress snagged us before we could bail. We were relieved to find that the menu was six pages long and had options in every price range and for every taste.

The interior was plain but clean. Large bug-eyed fish swam aimlessly in tanks awaiting an unfortunate end. I have wondered about this. I certainly eat my share of meat, but could I really look at a creature, lock eyes with him and say, “I want to eat him?” Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket He’s looking back at me! A large group of guys who came in partway through our meal wanted some ‘authentic’ stuff I guess. One of the men ordered the deep fried whole fish. Eyeballs and all. They roared with delight when it appeared on the table in its entirety, still sporting a startled expression. I’m not sure if they actually ate it though. It was more of a male bonding activity I think.

The waitress looked at Jackie doubtfully when she ordered the beef rice paper wraps. With a thick accent: “You have to wrap yourself, you know?” She also questioned my choice of Chinese black mushrooms and vegetables. ‘There’s no meat, you know?’ ‘This come with bok choy, ok?’ Her fears were unfounded. We loved our meals. My meal was relatively simple to consume, but Jackie struggled with her rice papers initially. The waitress, fearing such a disaster, was back soon to check on her progress. She said the water was the problem – too hot. She came back with a refill and Jackie was able to turn 'em out like a pro. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket (If she spoke Vietnamese, they’d have offered her a job.) When finally done the wraps were extremely tasty. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket My meal was simply delicioso. I never missed the elusive meat. Tons of flavor, texture, and heartiness, it is a sublime option for the vegetarian and carnivore. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I definitely want to go back and explore more of the menu, but knowing me, I’d probably end up getting the same thing all over again.

Hillsborough County
8199 N. Dale Mabry Hwy.
Tampa, FL 33614
Lunch - :-)
Dinner - :-) - $$$

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Great place - do not be deceived by the outside! I am not the adventurous sort - I admittedly like my hamburgers but this had plenty to please. Unfortunately my palate does not tolerate spicy food, however this menu had something for everyone. I'm an incredibly picky eater normally, especially with unfamiliar food (I had no idea what I was ordering except for the fact that I recognized everything the dish mentioned) but this place rocked! Good prices too as I was able to get a total of three meals out of one entree. Ordering may be a leap of faith for those unfamiliar with the cuisine but it has a soft, cushioned landing!