Thursday, March 13, 2008

CDB's Pizza & Italian Cuisine

Joe found this great little place right next to USF and even more importantly, Starbucks. Pizza is their self-proclaimed speciality, so we got the "AT-FM" edition. It had artichokes, tomatos, and mushrooms so we were at a loss at to where the "F" came in, but apparently that is their assurance that if nothing else, at least the mushrooms, or "M", is fresh. Do the other ingredients carry that guarantee? We don't know, but it was an excellent pizza two days in a row. Joe let me have the leftovers - what a guy! I love it.
The staff is also extremely helpful - a wink and a joke from Joe later, and our waitress was patrolling the restaurant's perimeter, reporting back to us wide-eyed about every appearance of any professor who we may have been discussing.
CBD has been in business since 1974 and apparently, my mother went here back in the day! Who'd thunk it?
5104 E Fowler Ave
Between 51st and 52nd St.
Tampa, FL 33617
(813) 985-1336

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Today in Food History

According to, today is National Baked Scallops Day. So let us give that noble bi-valve its proper due on this historic occasion.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ceviche Tapas Bar & Restaurant

The latest meeting of the Food Club was a smashing success with JackieP's suggestion of Ceviche. Apparently I'm the last person in the world to know about this hot spot in Hyde Park, but I'm glad to finally join the rest of society in admiration of it.

Ceviche is ideally suited to a group like ours which likes ordering alot of different things and sampling everyone else's food. Between the 5 of us, we ordered 9 tapas and 4 desserts. The Ceviche de Atun blew my mind. Sushi-grade tuna was marinated in lemon and lime juice, cilantro, onion and jalapeno served on a bed of fresh lettuce in a martini glass. It was sweet yet tart, full of flavor yet allowing the delicate freshness of the fish to shine through. Yeah, I pretty much hogged all that. All the mushrooms and cheese dishes were rousing successes - definitely check out the queso de cabra - baked goat cheese with tomatoes and basil. I liked the crabcake and chorizo dishes less, but they were still good.

Desserts are huge - plan to share. The chocolate cake was phenonmenal, the coconut ice cream great, the mousse was tiny but tasty, and even the almond pastry rose above my mediocre expectations.

Chowhound commented on the prices and given the price of each item, I was expecting an uncomfortable bill or an empty stomach. However, the 5 of us couldn't even eat all that we had ordered, though we made a pretty good showing. Everyone was full and each person's share came to less than $25. For the variety and quality we got, it was amazing. I think the key is going in a group. They are very accomodating - Our group expanded unexpectedly and the staff soon found us a new table. Definitely find some friends, or just invite me and check it out!

Ceviche Tapas Bar & Restaurant
(813) 250-0134
2109 Bayshore Blvd
Tampa, FL
5 forks!!